Monday, December 20, 2004

Seasons Grettings

Not much to report here. Have had my head under the sink so to speak trying to get my kitchen fully up to speed. Laid some tile today to cover up the old stove “vent”.

The cold snap arrived about five days ago. I got some wood in just in time so I could take the chill off the living room. It works pretty well but will be better once I get the fireplace reworked and ready for some gas. The cool weather came with a couple of days of drizzle, which did manage to settle the dust. This is a dusty berg in the winter.

Got my first ticket. I was parked the wrong way on a one-way street. Sounds bad and they thought so too but it was a very logical way to park in the circumstances – trust me. Eight bucks - and in the process I lost my visa. I am sure the police attendant didn’t give it back but she swears she did. Not the end of the world but a bit of a hassle.

Went to dinner at the (relatively) new “Berlin” run by a very low-key German chap who has been in SMA a few years. It was full of young Mexicans dressed to kill. The women were all drinking Cosmopolitans. Definitely the “in place to be. The food was OK.

Greg is bored with the whole scene and cannot find a warm place to lie down. His bones have aged a decade in this cool weather on the tile floors. He prefers to stand rather than sit down. He has taken to scrounging food on his walks – quite successfully.

I am watching Monday night football at the local pub. He has a nice heater. We got sun today and it has wramed up a lot. This is the only Xmas card you will see from me. Have a good one!