As predicted by sister Joan, packing up is considerably slowed by the inevitable encounter with various bits of nostalgia. (Nostalgia - the good old days multiplied by a bad memory). The worst is running across the old boxes of photos that you haven't looked at since the last move. (Actually my last move was so discombobulated that I haven't looked at these photos for about ten years.) Furthermore the technology has changed dramatically! I ran across super-8 video that will not likely ever be looked at - should I toss it or save it? I opt to save it but doubt anyone will ever have the energy to try to find out what is contained on the reels. I have tons of 35mm slides mostly from days in NZ, Germany and Japan I suppose. I opt to keep those as well.
I spent a lot of time looking through the thousands of snaps. There are a lot of people in these pictures who I do not recognize any more. There are some interesting old family photos of various great-grandmothers and fathers looking very stern. These are balanced by a good number of party pictures of family and friends indicating we had some very good times. There are the usual (for me) before and after renovation pictures of what seem to be dozens of old ramshackle places that were restored in one way or the other. Bottom line is that this nostalgic visit with my past has set my packing back several hours.
Samantha and Chris were by last night for dinner and we had some good giggles including over a bunch of photos in an album that Mum and Dad had kept of us - of my kids mostly. She took the album away with her and I was glad that she now has to deal with their storage and safe keeping. I am sure she will share them with Jimmy and her mother.
I delivered Malice Alice to Samantha and Chris this afternoon. She (the cat) was in a foul mood, and arriving in a strange place did nothing to change that. She was still checking the place out from top to bottom and complaining when I left. Their other cat decided that she had things to do outside as soon as Alice showed up. I tell myself that she is a survivor. Greg was disappointed not to be able to have his usual wrestling match with her that usually preceded the evening feeding but was content to finish off her leftovers. Bye, bye Alice.
The biggest disappointment of the day was the discovery of 2 cases of wine, (albeit not very good wine), in the basement. How I could have forgotten this is a mystery. Not something I usually forget. And now, what to do with it? I can't take it with me as I am only allowed a few bottles crossing the border. It is hardly good enough to leave with friends. I am sure a solution will present itself.