Friday, March 02, 2007



The corner neighbors arrived in force (mother, daughter and two sons) jumping up and down with delight. Had I found my cat Chile-Willy yet? No? (Well it has been more than six weeks with no sign. Not much chance he is coming back.) Wouldn’t I like to have a new cat?

The daughter, Marianna, had found a stray kitten under some rubble in her back yard that morning.

Well, how old is it? About 4 months she opined. Male or female? Male. Where is it, and can I come and see it sometime? Of course! We just happen to have it in the car! Whereupon she ran to fetch it.

Needs a bath rather badly but seems a good friendly sort. And so cute, don’t you agree?

Pretty much an offer I could not refuse.

So here he is. His name is Z-Z-Z pronounced ZeezeeZeta – zeta being short for skunk – zorillo. You can see why.

So far so good. He has tried swimming in the fishpond – twice, and is currently nursing a sprained foot he got trying to climb into the TV. He will likely survive. The Gregster is unimpressed.